Sunday, 19 February 2012


I've been so obsessed with my Facebook fan page for the Hunger Games that I haven't blogged in ages. I love talking the fans on the page.

So back I go!


I've officially changed my name to Twill...

Friday, 10 February 2012

Mrs Everdeen and Mr Mellark

Hey, Panemaniacs! I haven't posted in a long while so here's something I wrote to say sorry!

Somewhere on the long stretch of meadow, laughter could be heard. It wasn’t often someone would hear laughter in District 12. People usually groaned in pain or just wept for the sake of being hungry and poor. Of course, that was just the edge of District 12. The townspeople seemed less hungry, but people from the Seam knew they weren’t very different from each other.
The girl and the boy were from the town area of District 12. The girl was the healer’s daughter and the boy was the baker’s son. Today they’d decided to venture off to a place of their district where they haven’t been before. The boy was telling jokes as usual and the girl laughed. When she laughed, her eyes shone.
They sat on the green grass and the girl made daisy chains. In the boy’s eyes, she would always be the most beautiful girl in the whole of Panem. Lost in the girl’s beauty, the boy said something without meaning to. “You know, if I could, I'd marry you,” the boy said.
They weren’t much older than sixteen. The girl looked at him with wonder. She knew he was the kind to just mess around and never to mean anything seriously. This was a serious matter. She knew she’d marry him right on the spot if he’d proposed. “You’re kidding, right?” was what she’d said.
The boy, hearing this response, stammered and panicked as he said, “Y-yeah. Of course I was just kidding, Lily.”
Lily looked away. “Good. I thought you were serious there for a moment.”
Five years later, the boy was walking around town on his way home. He and Lily hadn’t been talking for a few weeks now. It was probably that stupid argument they had – which he most definitely did not start. Girls were so sensitive. Lily ran off and now she wouldn’t even look at him.
That Everdeen boy was an idiot, to think he could mess with a Mellark.
A year later, a lot of things had changed. Lily Porter became Lily Everdeen. Mr Mellark senior had passed away, leaving his bakery in the hands of his only son.
The boy, who grew into a mature man, thought nothing other than his business after he learned that his only lover in the Panem was married to a Seam boy. He got married, of course. He had to. His family business was going downhill and the only way he could manage it was to marry the woman from a wealthier family in the district. She wasn’t like Lily at all. She wasn’t kind. She wasn’t gentle. But she knew about Lily and she didn’t like her.
Mellark junior often wondered why Lily chose the miner. One day he came across the meadow, where he and Lily had been only once in their teenage years, and heard laughter. It was Lily’s laugh, the one he’d longed to hear for a long time. The baker followed the sound and came up to the electric fence, which was never on. He looked beyond the fence and saw Lily. She had her blond hair loose and free around her shoulders, not like how she used to have it in a braid. 
“Sing for me!” she said.
The baker thought, sing? She’s never asked me to sing before.
But then the miner from the Seam sang. And when he sang, all the birds stopped to listen. Even Mellark junior was holding his breath by the end of the song.
That was when he realised how Lily came to fall in love with the Everdeen boy so many years ago. Mellark would never have had captured a heart like Everdeen did.
Lily loved her husband very much. When she thought about her first love, she would hurt. Every time she saw him, she would want to apologise to him and explain why she’d changed. Of course, she’d love him forever because he was her best friend. When her first daughter was born, she hoped she would never have to choose whom to love because it was the hardest decision Lily Everdeen had had to make. And she never said a word to her daughters about how she and Mellark ever knew each other. But then maybe they’ll understand why the baker would offer them cookies and smile at them.
The baker would sit in his bakery sometimes and regret all the opportunities he had had in the past to tell Lily how much he loved her and that, actually, he was serious about marrying her. On the spot. At the age of sixteen.